Colette Leinman


Colette Leinman, born in Mont-Saint-Aignan, France, is a multidisciplinary artist based in Israel. Her artistic discipline encompasses painting, installation art, and video art, with a particular focus on mixed media on cardboard and oil on canvas. Leinman is best known for her experimental approach, particularly her use of different shades of blue in her collections. Even when employing conventional techniques like oil painting, she applies them in an unconventional manner, using extremely thin, lacquer-like layers that require extended drying times.

Leinman’s work delves into abstract and experimental art, characterized by her meticulous layering and innovative use of color. Her important projects include the “Deep Blue Collection,” which showcases her mastery of blue hues and layering techniques, and “N’hommades,” a series that further explores her abstract and experimental themes. Her unique approach and dedication to experimentation distinguish her in the contemporary art scene.

Colette Leinman has exhibited her work in notable venues, including “La nuit je dessinerai des soleils” at Galerie Yad Labanim in Rishon Letsion, Israel; “Le Goût du bleu” at Galerie SAGA in Jaffa, Israel; and “Le Goût du bleu II” at Citoyens à Caen in Caen, France. Her works are held in prestigious collections such as the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, the Foundation Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty Art Collection, and the Arturo Schwartz collection in Milan, Italy. Additionally, her pieces are part of the AKIM Decorated Masks at Sotheby’s Auction in Tel-Aviv, Israel, and various private collections worldwide, including those of the Stern Family in New York and M. Wolkowicz in Paris.



2007 – 2011

Ph.D. The Shirley and Leslie Porter School of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Doctoral thesis: “Catalogs of surrealist exhibitions”, 1924-1938″, under the supervision of Professor Ruth mossy.

1998 – 2000

M.A. The Shirley and Leslie Porter School of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

Thesis: “The deletion of the subject in René Magritte’s visual and verbal artwork”, under the supervision of Professor Ruth Amossy

1987 – 1992

B.A. French Department, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

1987 – 1992

B.A. French Department, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

1986 – 1990

The Painting and Sculpture College, Ramat-Gan, Israe

Selected Solo Shows


La nuit je dessinerai des soleils, Galerie Yad Labanim, Rishon Letsion, Israel


Le Goût du bleu, Galerie SAGA, Jaffa, Israel.
Le Goût du bleu II, Citoyens à Caen, Caen, France.


The Ark, Alliance of Humanity, Private Residence, Tel-Aviv, Israel


On the Net, Video Art, Techno Art Live 2019, on behalf of the Tel-Aviv Museum, Israel


Invisible Worlds, Gallery Haorgim, Holon, Israel.


On the Net or In Other Words, Café botz, Beit Hecht, Haifa, Israel.


Footprints in the Landscape, Galerie N. & N. Aman, Tel-Aviv, Israel.


Lock, Stock and Barrel, Kastiel Loft, Tel-Aviv, Israel.


Cantiques sur Seine, Le Scribe-Harmattan, Paris, France.


Ce qui reste d’écorce, Le Scribe-Harmattan, Paris, France


Urban Transparency, Performance urbaine, Shenkin Street, Tel-Aviv, Israel


Ekphrasis, Netanya Academic Center, Netanya, Israel


Palimpsestes, Artel Gallery, Zichron Yaakov, Israel
Israel Doron, Culture House, Ramat Hasharon, Israel
Between two Mounts, Environnement Museum, Givatayim, Israel
Arrêt Sur L’Image, Northcote Gallery, London, GB


Le sens B n’exclut pas le sens A, Northcote Gallery, London, GB


Mindflights II, Northcote Gallery, London, GB 


Odyssée, The Dead Sea, Israel


Mindflights, Northcote Gallery, London, GB
Works from The Writer Clubs and «Micropolis», The Third Eye Gallery, Kibbutz Hasolelim, Israel
Le Fou et le Philosophe, Kibbutz Rosh-Hanikra, Israel
The Writers Club, Jerusalem Theatre, Israel
Micropolis, Jerusalem Theatre, Israel


Minéral Végétal Animal, Museum Kfar Saba, Israel
Mindflights on Paper, Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel


Sides II, Tiroche Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel


Sides, Tiroche Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel

Selected Group Exhibitions


Shades of Israel – My Altneuland (curator: Flametta Maregani), Dystopia II; Jewish Museum of Lecce, Italy.
The Road to the Pole, Litvak Gallery, Tel-Aviv, July –October 2023.
Dystopia, The Art and Soul of Tel Aviv-Yafo; Kalisher (curator: Flametta Maregani), Autumn 2023, Tel-Aviv,


Hidden in Plain Sight, Assemblage Staircase Gallery Art, Tel-Aviv, Israel.


Smiling Fences, Beit Beer, Community of Jaffa Tel-Aviv, Israel.


International Exhibition of Art and Design, Kyoto Museum, Kyoto, Japan.


Art Connection, www.cutlog.ny, New-York, USA.


Variations on Dance, HaSadna LaOmanut Gallery, Yavne, Israel.
Art 2013, Ramat Hasharon Art Biennale, Ramat Hasharon, Israel.


Art London Fair, Northcote Gallery, London, GB


Mexican House, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, Israel


Art Connection, www.cutlog.ny, New-York, USA.


A Local Line, Neve Tzedek Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Yadayim Artists’ Gallery – Art Focus Fair, Jaffa, Israel
Artists Messengers of Peace, Haaretz Museum, Ramat-Aviv, Israel
Art- Industry, Binianei Haouma, Jerusalem, Israel
Peace, Istanbul, Turkey
Sotheby’s Auction, AKIM Decorated Masks, Tel-Aviv, Israel;
On the Edge of Seing, Confederation’s House – Art Focus Fair, Jerusalem, Israel;
Invisible Cities, Art Focus, Yad Labanim, Petah Tikva, Israel
The Hill of Spring, Israel Art, Pasinger Fabrik, Munich, Germany


A Room of her Own, 6 Rooms Gallery, Jaffa, Israe

Selected Collections

AKIM Decorated Masks, Sotheby’s Auction, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Artists Messengers of Peace, Dr. Fisher Art for Peace, Israel.
Arturo Schwartz, Milan, Italy.
Foundation Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty Art Collection, Israel.
Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel.
J-L. Sebag, Paris, France.
M. Wolkowicz, Paris, France.
Stern Family, New-York, USA.
World Club Travel, London, England.



“The catalogue of catalogues – Catalogues of the avant-garde groups in France- “, Dedalus Foundation; New-York, USA (founded by Robert Motherwell to support public understanding and appreciation of the principles of modern art)
Scholarships by the French Department of the Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Scholarships by the French Institute, Embassy of France, Israel.

Colette leinman’s selected Publications

“Building the collective ethos of the surrealist group” in The Exhibition Catalogue in Ethos Collectif et Identités sociales, Prof. R.Amossy (dir.), Ed. Garnier Classique, pp. 193-209, Paris, France (2021).

“Creation of the Artistic Patrimony in the ‘Musée de poche’ collection, in L’image de l’écrivain dans les collections demonographies illustrées D. Martens, G. Yanoshevsky, (director) (Nottingham French Studies, Edinburgh University Press, England (2019).

Les catalogues d’expositions surréalistes à Paris entre 1924 et 1939, N.Y. Ed. Rotopi/Brill, Amsterdam, (2015).

“A catalogue of a Dali exhibition on Art” in How to speak on art? Semiotic and discursive approaches, Melissa Barkat-Defradas and Stephanie Benoist (director), CNRS Editions, Paris, France (2013).

“To depict exile”, in Silvia Baron Supervielle, Writing in exile, Editions Caractères, Paris, France (2012).

“Les catalogues muséaux d’exposition d’art contemporain”, in Expositions sans artistes (Marges, N° 12, pp. 51-63), Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, Université Paris 8 (2011).

“L’art du décentrage en poésie surréaliste” in l’Art du décentrage dans la Poésie et le Roman contemporains, Jacqueline Michel, Marléna Braester and Isabelle Dotan (dir.), Paris, France, (2009).

“Poésie –Peinture : dialogues”, in Poésie & Art N° 7 at Centre de Recherche sur la poésie Francophone Contemporaine, Université de Haïfa, Israel (2005).

“Le Toi silencieux qui se parle à soi-même”, in L’œil témoin de la parole, rencontre autour de Claude Vigée, David Mendelson and Colette Leinman (dir.), Paris, éd. Parole et Silence (2001).

Publication of Poems and Works of art in « Continuum », Review of writers of French expression in Israel. (2013 – 2023).

“Arche- Alliance- Exiliance”, in La Transmission en question(s), Schibboleth-Actualité de Freud, in éd. Press, Paris, France (2021).

“New-York et Paris après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale : la place du Symbolique” in Les Fondements du Symbolique, aujourd’hui, Schibboleth-Actualité de Freud, in éd. Press, Paris, France (2014).

Colette leinman’s selected Publications

Bas de soie, petits bas cousus, chaussettes, éd., La Poche, France (2015).
“En plein ciel” in, Saut dans le vide, Anthologie en ligne, Sabine Huynh (dir.), (2013).
“Pratiques et Giacometti” in Recours au poème, Online Poetical Review (2013).
“Le Paradis était sur Terre” in Terre à Ciel, Online Poetical Review (2013).
“Poèmes n’Hommades” in Le Cycle des N’Hommades, Le Scribe-L’Harmattan, Paris (2012).
“Footprints in the Landscape” Catalogue, N&N Aman Gallery, Tel- Aviv, Israel (2012).
“Cinquième version de mon horizon” in pas d’ici, pas d’ailleurs. Anthologie poétique francophone de voix féminines contemporaines, éd. Voix d’encre, Paris (2012).
“The Ilanot Review”, an Israeli Journal of Creative Writing in English (2012).

Professional Contributions:


Member of the research Group ADARR (Research), the Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.


Poems’ translation from Hebrew to French with Ilai Rovner: “poems of October 7” Makom Leshira with the collaboration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Auction in favor of the “Greater than life” Association, Paris


Member of the Association of Israeli Writers of French Expression


Member of the Museum Committee at the Ministry of Education and Sport.


Co-organizer of the Poetry evening at the Tel-Aviv French Institute: “Poèmes d’amour sur Rotchild”


Co-organizer of the International Symposium, “Paul Cézanne 1906-2006” – Process and reception, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.


Co-editor with David Mendelson; Claude Vigée traducteur : “Toute langue en ce monde est d’abord un exil’, Emergence des Francophonies, Limoges, ed. Presses Universitaires de Limoges